I ran my older XP-PLUS DELL M90s workstation laptops for years supporting all of my remote radio controls and love of drawing software etc...
These got very slow in operations over the years...
Finally got new top level laptops from QVC and HSN with their easy purchase plans... It is a totally different computer experience now using the latest DELL laptops running Core I7 1.8Ghz CPUs with 8GB Ram and 1TB hard drives. Computers now boot up in less than one minute when first turned on and we get to downstream alot of HDTV now with no problems.
Never knew what I was missing haha... I do miss my DELL M90 Workstation docking station concept with just setting the laptop into one large connection plug and having all of my external setups up and running with the LAPTOP lid closed. This is a great concept with RV Trailers in mind as the laptop goes where you go and everything you have on the laptop is with you at all times. I see very little difference in running my laptop system setup at home or in my off-road POPUP trailer up on the Blue Ridge high country somewhere...
Your setup doesn't look to be much different than what I am now running - more RAM would be great I would think...
I am now running WIN 10 in WIN 7 mode on my DELL INSPIRON 17R5737 laptop for the most part but using FIREFOX and GOOGLE CHROME for Internet browser. Never really tried the WIN 10 Edge browser yet.. I am also still running my older 2009 MS OFFICE software including MS OUTLOOK for EMAIL etc...
I was able to connect up to my two 24-inch DELL external monitors and my ham radio interfaces using just a couple of cables coming from the laptop interface. The only time I open the lid to the LAPTOP is to turn it on... Everything else runs like my older DELL M90 Workstation Docking station days...
Roy Ken