What is this WEB-thing, and why would I want or need it?
Look here, Uncle Jeff, you can go "on-line", play games, search the WEB, and spend hours on "forums" talking to others from around the world.
OK....I guess it is pretty cool, but there is no way I am spending my hard earned money just to surf, talk, and play.
Fast-forward a couple years....thumb broken, middle of winter, I am stuck at home, bored out of my ever-lovin mind. I used my good hand to run a phone line over to that old computer taking up space in the basement, popped in an AOL disk...
whirllllll, beeeep, piingggggg, chirrrrrrpppppppp.
The most useFULL and useLESS item I now spend WAY to much money on, ensuring that my FIOS QUANTUM keeps me connected.
I didn't need a SMART phone either...of course I now have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the instant access to information, I hate the instant access to ME. Beepers were much more usefull...no matter how many times you sent a message declaring a 911...I could still claim I wasn't near a phone to call you.