strollin wrote:
tvman44 wrote:
But will the stupid Garmin GPS follow that route, they will not follow the route created on Mapsource. I even called Garmin about that and was told that is normal and when I asked why should we create a route on Mapsource & put it on the GPS if it will go the way it wants and they could not answer that question. :)
I've not had that issue when using Mapsource with my SP7200. I believe this can be an issue if the maps installed on your PC are a different level than the maps on your GPS.
A Garmin GPS will follow a route exactly as created in MapSource only if the GPS doesn't automatically recalculate the route to the GPS's own parameters when the route is transferred to the GPS. Some Garmin models automatically recalculate on transfer/import (I suspect the majority) and others don't. My older 750 doesn't and will follow the MapSource route exactly unless I deviate from the planned route in which case a recalculation occurs and the GPS changes the route to be in conformance with the GPS's own parameters (however the original MapSource route is still saved on the Garmin so I can simply reload it to get back on track). On some Garmin GPS models it is possible to turn off recalculate in which case it will follow the MapSource route exactly all the time. Adding more waypoints to the route when it is created in MapSource will often help the GPS follow the MapSource route more closely even if the GPS recalculates.