az99 wrote:
WOW ! That sure does look like an extreme PITA to do. Does Garmin not want anyone to add custom routes?
I was hoping to find something easy like S&T then export the GPX file. Is there no way to do the route on Google and export that to it?
I have the RV 760 to answer the other question.
BC seems to be more for the fitness crowd rather then RV'ers taking back roads.
Since we normally do under 200 miles per day Mapsource works great for us. Also you should be able to load directly into the 760 from Mapsource. As others noted you may have to disable/change RV settings in the GPSr.
Mapsource lets you view your route in Google Earth at the approximate zoom level your at. BC your only choice is select the route and it zooms you all the way out. The other two choices in BC for using Google Earth you loose the route. I use Google Earth to look at zig zags thru small towns, why the mapping software won't let me make a specific turn and see if the road is paved or dirt. Using county or sometimes state roads like we do can get you a dirt if you don't look.
If your not very careful with BC when you connect the GPSr waypoints(favorites) from the GPS will overwrite ones of the same name in BC. Not a problem if you don't use the comments portion in the waypoint. When I build a waypoint in Mapsource it has things like favorite sites within the CG, amenities, and price.
The GPS truncates the comments so you could loose that info in an overwrite. Not a problem for us as I load all waypoints into POI's so I can pull them up on the GPSr.
@BruceMc The Delorme buy was announced on the Garmin website Feb 11, 2016; also shows up in the Garmin forums and GPSreviews and POI factory forums.