A VPN client can be installed in your home WiFi router and everything .. every device connecting to that router will be secured , I don't have a list of models, but many models have that feature, You won't find that in the Router from your cable supplier, you buy your own router, use a LAN ether net cable to connect IT, to the cable modem , and use your router for all of your internet , not the one from the cable company, all the info about trackers embedded in apps is about Android, because it is so predominant now, I have no experience with apple phones iOS, I have run a Proxy server on my laptop, it's VPN poor cousin, I posted the tracking info because I only recently became aware of how bad the situation is after I decided to dig into it, I have been using Duck duck go, for sometime on my laptop, and saw there was a new feature in my recent update for Android, right now Android is the biggest risk to a person's privacy and financial security, I like Android phones and tablets but have a level of experience and knowledge the average Android phone user does not have, there are others on here with even more expertise than me, I didn't realize how much data mining was going on with some of these popular apps, there are apps I have that do not have the Facebook tracker or depth of intrusion it provides, if a developer wants to how much I use their App and certain features, that is market research, But sticking there spy in another app not developed by them to aquire info on my use habits my name my gps location , (quoting Daffy Duck) I consider that dispicable .
They want to know what devices are popular they can look at sales figures, mfg and providers love to brag about that, aggregated use figures don't need my name etc. Especially services and apps that I don't use.