Bill.Satellite wrote:
I think there is a 2595 and a 2597 isn't there? IIRC, those are the 5" versions and the 27XX are the 7" version. In any case, there is a 5" and a 7" and one that has voice and one that doesn't. That's 4 different versions, just pick the one that's right combo for you. They are all part of the Garmin 2013 series so you can go to and compare the 4 units.
Thanks Bill, there is a 2597LM and 2797LMT, the difference is the voice activation but also the live traffic updates are not on the 2597. It seems the traffic function may be useful with an app on my iphone. Have you ever used that? It appears the xx97 is the 7 inch series. So the decision is weather or not the traffic feature is worth $50 or not, I will be with in reach of the unit, mounted on the dash with a friction mount so I guess the voice activation function isn't necessary. Alas "Siri" and I don't always communicate very well either.