Veebyes wrote:
It is because of those kinds of directions that we like to keep using our MS S&Ts.... Can't beat have what amounts to every paper map, every detail, right in front of you & able to see what the GPS is trying to do.
Yes, it's good to have various forms of information. I have to give Garmin credit where it's due.
I was caught in nasty PM busy-time traffic in St George UT. An on-ramp to the I-15 (which I needed) was completely choked. I got out of there and Ms G took me to the next on-ramp without a flaw. I figure that saved me 10-15 minutes and a lot of aggravation.
It's stuff like that where I really appreciate having her around- unfamiliar cities. Whether it's a city park, or grocery store or Veterinarian, it's just the best. That's not to say I've never been directed to an empty store front!