fj12ryder wrote:
Just as an aside, I don't have a spam/junk mail filter. I don't get spam, I don't get junk mail, I don't get ad-mail. I'm very cautious about where my home email is bandied about. Granted it's only been about 15 years, but if I had a spam folder, it would be empty...with cobwebs.
That's great, I'm glad you don't have to deal with spam/junk mail to your home email address. And you stated the exact reason you don't get any (highlighted in red). It doesn't have anything to do with what client you are using or email service. I think this is what
MrWizard was trying to say also.
I use the same email address for everything and have passwords for 178 accounts that I keep in a password management app (PWSafe). I have used Gmail since it came out, I previously used the Thunderbird PC client for email. What spam I get (it's not much) gets pulled out by Gmail and I only see it if I open the spam folder when I think I didn't get an email that I should have.
Any account I have that sends me emails I don't want, I go to the bottom of the email, click on
unsubscribe that is at the bottom of almost all solicitation emails (although they are usually so faintly printed they are easy to miss) and they cease.
I use both Google Drive and Dropbox cloud services for documents and photos. With all this wild living, I have never had a problem and am not worried about having one.
So we are both happy with our tech environments and we are good to go. Happy New Year.