Probably depends on where/how you are going to use it. Can't direct you to an app, but can tell you I have two GPS's and have used both to find my way back depending on where I am.
Normal car GPS will work great in a city as it gives you streets/blocks. Doesn't have to be fancy to do this. Won't work too good in parks on trails as it only recognizes roads, so you might not want to go where it wants you to go.
I also have a hiking GPS (Garmin Etrex 30) for going out in the woods. Does a good job for direction/distance etc. Only catch is, if you want to see the terrain you are walking, you have to pay for the maps of the area you are in (about 6 areas in the US @ about $100 each area). But this detail lets you know where the trails are, bodies of water you have to walk around, etc.
Again, depends on what you really need it for.