With a license 40 years gone yes, you will have to re-test, but no Morse Code, I'd get either the General or Extra (or both) study guides and go for it.. I'm an Extra even though as you can see from my User ID, the call is Technician class, the license became Extra in 2006.
No repeaters below 10 Meters, not sure about 10, 6 meter are rare 2 Mtr and 70 CM are common.
On 20 and 40, Who needs repeaters?
Some URLs you might like:
amateurlogic.tv George was given an award for that show at Dayton
twit.tv/hn Ham nation, K9EID and crew talk about things of interest to us
Amateur logic will link to Ham College.. But that's aimed more toward Technician class applicants
hamtestonline (google it)
wtww.us (this is a readio station, 1.1 Gigawatt spread across multiple transmitters, Broadcasting mostly religion but transmiotter 2 is mostly music. On Sat at 2pm (eastern) they play Theater organ Music featuring K9EID on the keys, and at 2:30, usually, Amateur Radio Newsline.
You can also get 'em most anywhere in the world with a general coverage receiver.
And of course ARRL.ORG.. they have the answers to your questions.