Forum Discussion

EdTheEdge's avatar
Feb 21, 2018

Harbor Freight Jump Starter

Has anyone tried one of these? I am interested in opinions as I'd like to carry something like this in case of emergencies in my Class C.

  • my son works for a dealership and on the cold morning some of the diesels don't want to start. out of hi sown pocket he paid $200.00 for one from a battery store, it lasted a week. for the price difference and the warranty I would try the HF unit and it can't be any worse than the $200 unit
  • I got a much larger one, physically, from Home Depot a couple of years ago.....and then it turned out I didn't really need it after all.

    But I kept it anyway. It has several "other" features, like a small inverter, an air compressor, etc. that I think makes it potentially more useful......even though I haven't yet used it for anything.

    Whatever you end up getting, you should plug it in every 90 days or so to be sure it is still fully charged.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I have not tried that one. I carry a much larger one I paid about a C-note for at Auto-Zone. Those small ones.. I kind of wonder if they will work.

    In the past I've tried a few of different size. I like at lieast 750-900 peak amps minimum for jump starting. Some of those are more portable re-chargers than jump starters. you need to hook 'em up and sit for a while before you crank 'er up.