1goldwinger wrote:
Looking for a hard drive with power supply for a Dish VIP 211K to turn it into a DVR. 500G to 1T. Having a hard time finding a powered hard drive. Would like some brands and model numbers. Thanks
Buy an external USB Hard drive CASE for 3.5" desktop PCs.
LIKE THISWhich WILL have a separate power supply.
Then add in ANY SATA drive you want (2.5" or 3.5" size) to the enclosure.
Alternately you can get 2.5" external HD cases for SATA drives which have a "split" USB cable. This cable has two USB connectors on the PC end..
The extra connector is designed to pull additional power from a second USB port on the PC.. With this design you could also use a spare USB charger to plug the second cable into.
By the way, you don't "need" USB3" for use with the VIP, it doesn't support USB3 speeds.. VIP also does not supply much current, I suspect less than a PC would.
USB3 ports can supply up to 3A at 5V compared to USB2 and lower at 500 ma (half amp) which is why you are not seeing much in external HDs that use a separate power supply..