danoren wrote:
Looking for an HD TV indoor Antena with a good range.
As I undersatnd it it is placed on a window inside the RV and hooked to the TV.
Any Suggestions?
Problem one: All antennas are RADIO antennas. (Television HD or otherwise, is a special case of RADIO) there is no such thing as an HD Antenna. that is a marketing ploy designed to separate a fool and his money. ANY Antenna designed for TELEVISION will work for HD as well as SD since to the antenna they are all the same.
Next: Indoor and good range are mutually exclusive. HEIGHT IS MIGHT if you want range you got to have height. I did that test myself.
Finally the best OUTDOOR Antenna made for RV's in the USA is the Winegard Sensar IV with the optional Sensar Pro indoor module. (THe wall plate) There is one made in Canada that MIGHT (Have not seen lab tests) be better but well. as I said, I do not know,