The only way I know of that hearing aids "help" with tinnitus is make the ambient sounds louder and drown out the tinnitus. AFAIK, that's about the only "treatment" for tinnitus, depending of course on the reason for the tinnitus. Some ear infections and other medical problems can cause tinnitus, which may be able to be mitagated medically.
I have the Oticon with the Streamer. The Streamer broadcasts to the hearing aids using FM radio, and it receives using Bluetooth. It helps by eliminating outside noise while listening to TV or telephone. But unfortunately it doesn't help much with the music that plays over the dialogue on TV. The Oticon hearing aids also have different programs that you can use to somewhat fine tune how they work. But it is only moderately successful.
Personally I doubt that anything can really be done without making the aids pretty large and even more expensive. You'd need some kind of programmable software to sort out sounds and frequencies. Not much really works excellently.