Wow what a fire storm! First let me thank you all for your concern for my safety. Safety is never a joke.
I somewhat regret including my last sentence in my post as it completely clouded my request for how an Ipad could be adapted and used in a MH. I could have made it even worse if I’d mentioned that my dash also has 8 analog meters with other sources of info that are also not distracting (Speed, RPM, temp, voltage, air pressure etc).
Let me explain further. I plan my travel on Delorme Street Atlas and it is displayed above my windshield and glance at it infrequently. It lists distance to next turn etc and is especially useful if I miss a turn or construction blocks a planned turn…I can quickly see where I might go around a block etc. I don’t use the audio on any of my systems.
My three screen “Virtual 24” rear view mirror” is no more distracting than a rear view mirror in any automobile. I use it mainly when backing up. I have zero blind spots and can back up into spots without assistance. Ever hear an emergency vehicle and wonder where its coming from? I can see a mile behind me and know what’s coming. My mirrors are still best and I use them constantly but glance at my monitor on lane changes. Some who have seen it have asked for my plans and built their own.
With the night vision capability, the cameras also provide a convenient "whats outside making noise" look during the night while camped.
My dashboard GPS, reminds me of the speed limit and provides a hands-free link to my I-phone. It answers incoming calls without distraction. My eyes are on the road. The second GPS (least favorite Rand McNally) is a backup and knows my vehicle height and warns if the route ahead has an overhead obstruction.
The Original equipment “toad monitor” provides comfort that my Jeep is towing properly. In 13 years and 145k miles, my baseplate pulled off twice and my Blue-Ox failed once.
I don’t expect to receive a ticket, but if I do it will be my first in 20 plus years and my 2nd in more than 60 years of driving. We are now beginning to share the highways with driver-less vehicles. Our grandkids will probably ride in Driver-less motor homes.