I'm not an Apple/IOS fan.. For assorted reasons that go all the way back to how they marketed the Apple II E... I just found those reasons are still valid. but marketing is kind of like Politics and I'm not discussing it here.
But I do use a lot of android products including a Samsund Galaxy Tablet. Phone. and some other 'droid tablets. and a pair of Chromebook as well (Related but diferent)
IF your use is sending/receiving E-mails.. Streaming Video and "Social Media"
All of them work well... I'd go with most likely a Cheap Chrome book or the Galaxy Tablet.. Note the Tablet I have has the ability to accept a SIM card and connect direct to Cell towers if I choose it also has GPS built in so I can use it for mapping and tracking (And have used it for tracking)
Or I can hook it to my phone's Wi-Fi hotspot or the House Router for uses as well.
I do not run a lot of "Apps" however other than some Communication stuff.. Some of which is not yet out for IOS..
But less than 100 dollars (I think I paid 80 for the Samsung Tab refurb at MicroCenter) v/s how much is the I-pad? (OUCH) .