Forum Discussion

joebedford's avatar
Nomad II
Dec 01, 2017

Internet access ups and downs

Last winter we went to New Zealand instead of snowbirding like usual so it's been two years since our last snowbirding trip.

I was very impressed on our long trip form Ontario to Mesa AZ that every little campground between here and there had pretty good wifi. All free except for one. We weren't Netflixing but YouTube videos worked fine with little buffering.

Now we're at our winter site in Mesa (The Resort) where we were promised fabulous internet included in the rent. Not only is there no internet, there is no word if / when there will be. They're working on it.

To add insult to injury, the permanents are getting a rebate on their rent but not RVers. Go figure.

I guess I'll get some kind of hotspot. Anybody know what works well here?
  • Except
    That most of us want to use the PC, for the internet
    And straight talk does not allow that on their phones, maybe as an add-on
    But that unlimited data is for the phone internet, not WiFi hotspot to PC or USB cable tether
  • Or, get an unlocked smartphone from Amazon, use it with straight talk and for $55 a month have unlimited phone use on Verizon towers, unlimited data with no 22 gig caps, all in one unit.
  • I use VERIZON Mi-Fi (JetPack). Any VERIZON store. I use it at home and on the road. Anywhere (well, almost anywhere) you can use your VERIZON phone, this gives you the internet.

    In my experience, I could not access the web on the JetPack but could use my phone was in Junction Texas. (so I used the cg system for the nite)
  • Get a prepaid plan for data either from Verizon or AT&T depending on what bands your phone uses. Then use the phone as a hotspot as suggested by kerriakeRoo.
  • kerrlakeRoo wrote:
    Do you have a smartphone that is capable of operating as a hotspot? Many now do, or if you are getting a hotspot, you may want to get a phone that can , without having to deal with an additional bill.

    Our jetpack and phone share the same 24 gigs from Verizon.
  • Do you have a smartphone that is capable of operating as a hotspot? Many now do, or if you are getting a hotspot, you may want to get a phone that can , without having to deal with an additional bill.
  • Build a fire and send smoke signals......:D

    Actually, I think you can buy an add on that fits in a port on your laptop from Verizon that wil give you Internet access about anywhere...