Charlie D. wrote:
I have the same setup as you EXCEPT I have the Spectrum modem for telephone, internet and cable.
Maybe, but I don't think so. I don't have an NVR in my system, cameras only use wi-fi when triggered by noise or movement and then only for the time to transmit a 12 second video to the cloud storage supplied by the camera company. Also if I open an app and view a live video feed from a camera it obviously uses the wi-fi. If I am monitoring a camera with my phone app, I would not usually be doing anything else at the time so the camera is not really competing for my wi-fi bandwidth.
Apparently you are using your wi-fi to live stream video to your NVR from each camera, that is not my setup. Maybe others following this thread do have such a setup and can help. Wi-fi (as others have suggested) does have to be optimized if you are in a metropolitan environment where you have multiple wi-fi access points competing for the available channels.
And, as you have supposed, the distance to some of your cameras may be an issue.