The stores don't even have 6 and 6 Plus demos on display, yet they want you to pre-order. I took a cedar shingle and cut mock ups with a radial arm saw to size to play around with in getting used to holding and testing my various pockets I use in shirts, vests and jackets. Both fit in a Wranglers jeans pocket and cargo pants. The 6 is really nice in that regard but I think I will get the 6 Plus. Still, I will bide my time until I can see them in a store. I'm not in that much of a hurry. I've had my 4S for three years but the battery is almost kaput. 2 hours at an RV show taking 64 photos killed my starting out 100% charged iPhone yesterday. I forgot and left my GPS directions on and technically never reached my destination so maybe it was trying to direct me as I was walking around. That could have been part of it. GPS apps burn through batteries.