Has anyone really stopped and thought about paying $800.00 for a 'phone'? Faster, sharper, bigger. IMHO it's the same as the first one.
Yes I too was sucked into having one when they first came out. My reason was the nice 'readable' keypad to dial out on!! But IMHO faster data speed is worth what? I'm not about to use my phone with a stinking 5 inch screen, and 2 point type to use the internet.
Don't get me wrong I love each and every one of the new electronics but just can't wrap my head around paying $800 for a 'phone'.
Boy they sure saw all us coming didn't they? Buy one and a month later a new one comes out.
What really TICKED me off was when they came out with a new version they must have paid all the app folks to disable their apps so they no longer worked and you HAD to buy a new phone. :R
Sound like a broken record but those new off brand burner smart phones do the exact same things now. And for under $100 bucks. I don't think Apple will be able to continue this wind fall much longer with China now dumping smart phones in the US at cost. Just saying.