strollin wrote:
Chris Bryant wrote:
... the Android models seem to be stuck on whatever version they come with as well. ...
This isn't the case for the N7. One of the advantages of purchasing Google tablets & phones is that they will get the latest OS upgrade and will also be among the first Android devices to get upgraded. Google announced the new KitKat OS yesterday and stated that the N7 will receive it. The main reason why other Android devices are slower to get upgraded or don't get upgraded at all is because the various mfrs put their own little "tweaks" onto the OS whereas Google devices run the vanilla Android OS.
That's partially true, but the Galaxy Nexus that came out in 2011 will NOT be getting KitKat (and it didn't get 4.3 either). Only the 2012 & 2013 N7, the Nexus 4 & Nexus 5. So that advantage only lasts a short while. And also the carriers/vendors still find a way to muck things up even for the Nexii as Verizon did with the GNex and Qualcomm did with the 2013 N7.