UPDATE: I was able to do it with a program call "connectify". It's a free trial and "on sale" for as little as 14 bucks.
Alexa was my main problem. When I wanted to change the wifi on it, I had to uninstall the app on my phone and re-install it. It's a Alexa app issue I guess.
Now I've set it up so there's a wifi that travels with the PC in the RV. All I have to do is log on one of the the wifi's on the PC and everything else gets connected through it. Thanks for the help everyone!!! I can also log the PC into my phones hotspot and then the rest of the stuff in the RV has internet (if my phone does) Verizon sucks.
NOTE: You may have to have two WiFi cards or maybe just a dual band card. I'm not sure since I had two cards I don't know if one would work. Both of my cards show they are connected to the campground and it works fine. I have two phones and Alexa connected to the new RV network and data is turned off on both phones.
Here's what I used :