I don't understand the attack on the OP.
This is what I took away from the post.
OP received poor customer service. He was venting. The team member did nothing to try to satisfy or help the customer in any way. Team member let customer leave unhappy. Customer took money elsewhere, and is now happy.
This******of people telling the OP that 'He should have called ahead', that he was stupid for driving that far in the first place', or 'that he should have asked for free shipping' is just that, crap. It was a customer service failure, pure and simple.
The OP will now think twice before returning to Valencia CW. The apathy that is eroding the company's rep is systemic. Here is an example.
Just today, I had to go to a CW to have issues they created corrected. They WILL fix it. There were 3 service ladies at the service counter. One was helping us, one was 'working on the computer', and the thirds was texting her little heart out. The phones were ringing off the hook.
I said to the lady helping us that she could get that call - I would gladly wait a moment. Her response? "Oh no! We don't answer the phones here. We let them roll over to the overflow center in Kentucky, and they take a msg. If it is important, we will try to call back".
Draw your own conclusions. Anyone who tells you the customer service issue in CW is not systemic is clueless.
So, lay off the OP. He WANTED to give CW his money, and they didn't want it. It couldn't have been more clear. It is not our job as customers to help a business earn our money. It is their job to earn it and close the sale.