The OP's story lacks basic credibility. Let's face it CW is basic retail, many of the general sales staff a young college age employees. They are not what I consider a professional sales staff.
That is CW's business model. I understand that. Furthermore if you are a regular CW customer you know there in stock position on sale items can fluctuate.
In short the OP took his chances by driving the 70 mile round trip without verify the item is in stock.
In a ideal situation CW would have had item in stock nevertheless we do not live in a n ideal world and a savvy consumer would have called first and not waisted a trip.
As always it's a two way street. In this case neither the retailer or consumer were 100% on the ball. CW should have had the sale item in stock in the 1st place,shipping the out of stock item should have never come into play. The OP should have made the call to check stock and saved himself the headache. The OP had time to research item,but not enough time to verify stock?