paulsang wrote:
jcapps wrote:
Went to the Valencia store, snip
. I said I will just get it at Amazon, he said ok, I walked out.
Everyone missed the point. The team member knowingly let a customer walk out unhappy! THAT is the point.
Whether the OP was realistic or not is not the point here. Whether the post is even accurate in the story is not the point either.
How many other customers have left with their money because of this guy? I can promise you, this is not an isolated incident. Not because I have been to Valencia, but because I fully understand customer service. Was the team member empowered to offer any shipping? I do not know. If the team member took any initiative at all to satisfy the customer, we wouldn't even be talking about this.
I do not accept 'oh, that's college-age employees..that's the way it is' excuse. I do not accept that it is their business model.
For those that accept the apathy in today's customer service environment, shame on you. You are just simply condoning it with tacit approval. Coming from this industry, I do not. I do not accept 'oh, that's just this generation' garbage either.
To me it was a threat from the customer. What is he gonna do? Grab a hold of his leg and beg him not to do it?