jcpainter wrote:
For those of you that are using B&W laser printers, a couple of questions. - Do they scan and copy like the all-in-one ink-jet printers?
- If you are printing a document that contains color in it, will the B&W laser print the portion that is in color as B&W, or does it just not print that part?
Yes my Dell color laser scans, copies, prints in both color or B/W.
Yes a color image gets fully printed in a grayscale if B/W is selected.
Toner is still expensive but lasts seemingly forever. I pay the extra to get new from Dell but refills are available. Refills did not indicate the remaining toner so I stopped using them.
Mine has black and three separate color cartridges so you only replace what is needed. I go a couple years on some cartridges and they print fine.
I believe the model is Dell 1355 and it is old but working fine for a decade or more now.