OK - I ordered it that way - they built it. It has one SSD 500gb as the main OS and work disk. It has a second SSD 500gb as a storage disk.
It should have come as a D: SSD for internal storage - just like an external storage SSD, except inside the LT ... It's a standard option on the build site.
It has OS on Drive C: ... and I put some photo programs and working data on the C: ... but I want to use the D: drive for current, in-process projects that are delayed briefly, and store it until I get back to that project.
Some times I have several projects at a time running on C:, so I store some while waiting for info or orders. Then I pull it back - otherwise, the working disk fills up ... I've been using an external drive for the temporary storage, but now wanted to have an internal storage drive so it would be easier to grab a project ...
I was hoping it was a simple process to designate a drive, and that they had simply missed it.
THEN, I though maybe it was accidentally designed as overflow when C: filled - not the way I want it, but could have been a mistake (stuff happens?) But it does not take overflow -- It needs a letter so I can access it as storage.
Hope I'm clear here, as I you all know, I'm no techie ...