After 20 plus years of my early working life in mcDonalds management and friends who have owned 1or 2 stores I can attest Employees aren’t that easy to get even at 15.00 a hour starting wage in many places! It’s not a career job it’s a part time “starter”job and finding anyone who can count to 4 and not be sick every other day isn’t easy .. Times have changed even more since I left 30 years ago I do know. They aren’t attempting to cut employees but survive ..can’t hire employees what do you do ? All that for a 5% bottom line !
I use the kiosk for simple orders and it works most of the time more quickly, but I know how to use a computer touch screen ordering ... . if you need special treatment hold the pickle stuff , stand in line and hope the counter person understands you and how to translate that to the “cash register” called a POS .. “point of sale” .. there are other translations that fit it better