Forum Discussion

RVcrazy's avatar
May 24, 2014

Media players?

I see people referring to media players. What are they exactly? We have 2 cabinets of DVDs & CDs and would like to be able to take them on the road without using up all of our space. We will have a TV, DVD player, laptop computer & HDMI cable. What do we need to consider or do to use a media player (and to get all of our stuff on it)? Thanks!
  • I just remove my CDs and DVDs from their plastic cases and put them all in a wallet style case like this:
    CD/DVD Binder

    Takes up a lot less room in the RV.
  • Roku ..Sony.. many more

    basically a (hardware) media player , is a box that accepts a external hard drive or USB memory stick or network connection and plays your media files directly to the TV thru A/V or HDMI cables

    my Sony uses HDMI cable, connects to HD via USB, and will connect to internet via Wifi and plays my stored video OR my Amazon ..NetFlix accounts

    when i first got it in early 2012, i used it extensively to watch movies from Amazon on my TV

    last year i purchased i "HomeWorx" brand TV tuner/PVR
    it records OTA HiDef TV broadcasts in HiDef onto an external drive
    it will also play avi and mp4 files stored on the external drive
    so i have two ways of watching movies NOT using the DVD player or laptop

    std DVD movies are 4gig to 7gig in size
    compressed and stored to MP4 they are 1gig to 2gig in size
    one hour of really good video is about 1gig

    some people compress to a smaller size say 350mb..but that loses quality

    a 1TB hard drive can store about 1000hrs at 1gigabyte per hour
    or roughly 500 std DVD movies converted to MP4

    or 200 ripped full sized NOT compressed copied DVD movie folders
  • The first thing you need to do is convert all your dvd’s to digital mp4 or other video format, for that you need a DVD copy program that will copy any DVD, then you need a portable hard drive to store your movies on then you need a media player that converts your digital movies to play on your TV. I have over 400 movies and TV shows stored on a hard drive that we take with us when we go camping.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I haven't really thought about how much space a movie might be but I bet it is in the 10-20GB size if the movies are full blown HD.

    They will be large for sure so expect most of your computer hard drive space being consumed by your movies...

    Definitely would require an external hard drive setup. I know my daughters TIVO DMR stores many 1 hour TV Shows. I think I remember it being around 75 hours of recorded TV shows and maybe the hard drive is a 600GB size hard drive???? These are probably standard definitions format shows...

    Just more things to think about getting all of your disc stored on a hard drive...

    Roy Ken
  • I guess that would be any computer.

    1) how many of these videos are you watching now? IOW, do you really need all of them? The GF has racks and racks of stuff - mostly watched once and some, never.
    2) can you actually copy them? that's not easy nowadays