Forum Discussion

camperkilgore's avatar
Jun 03, 2018

Mount Gizmos

No, not a snow capped peak.

The gizmo's I'm referring to is the electronic stuff that needs to be mounted in the tow vehicle. MANY gizmos.

I have a rear view monitor, gps, two cell phones, tire pressure monitor, and sometimes an ipad mini which we need to access while on the road. We have audio books on the cell phone for listening.

I have spent hours trying various mounts that wiggle, flop, turn loose, and in some states illegal on the windshield. I also read about how some thieves look for the windshield mounts in vehicles to target the most likely ones to break into. At one time I had four suction cup mounts up there.

So I have been trying to get everything down off the windshield and it ain't easy. Our tow vehicle is a Dodge Ram pickup, and the dash is not very mount friendly.

If anybody out there has come up with a great solution to this problem, I would love to hear about it, and pictures would be fantastic.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    There is a company that sells Police Equipment.. Forget their name. but Google should find it.

    They sell "Radio Trees" this is a post designed to mount to the transmission mount with assorted "Branches" that attach that can hold radios. Teletypes. and all sorts of "Stuff". Kind of pricy but they exist. I've ordered some stuff from em over the years.
  • camperkilgore wrote:
    No, not a snow capped peak.

    The gizmo's I'm referring to is the electronic stuff that needs to be mounted in the tow vehicle. MANY gizmos.

    I have a rear view monitor, gps, two cell phones, tire pressure monitor, and sometimes an ipad mini which we need to access while on the road. We have audio books on the cell phone for listening.

    I have spent hours trying various mounts that wiggle, flop, turn loose, and in some states illegal on the windshield. I also read about how some thieves look for the windshield mounts in vehicles to target the most likely ones to break into. At one time I had four suction cup mounts up there.

    So I have been trying to get everything down off the windshield and it ain't easy. Our tow vehicle is a Dodge Ram pickup, and the dash is not very mount friendly.

    If anybody out there has come up with a great solution to this problem, I would love to hear about it, and pictures would be fantastic.

    You have way too much junk, thin the herd.

    Pick ONE of THE MOST "important" items that you desperately "need" to drive and all the rest NEEDS to be turned off and placed well outside the drivers area.

    No one "NEEDS" two cell phones in order to drive.

    TPMS, well folks HAVE been driving for well over ONE HUNDRED YEARS without the "need" for this gadget..

    Tablet, well not needed at all, just another distraction..

    Rearview camera? That IS what YOUR MIRRORS ARE FOR and they don't need power, wires or will quit working at a bad time..

    GPS, well your copilot beside you should be working that thing or at least be using a paper map, not you the driver..

    As far as Audio books goes, ditch the cell phones for this, instead replace your built in stereo with a newer unit which has USB input and even BluTooth.. You can often download audio books, rip audio CDs and convert those to MP3 files, place on a USB flash drive and be done with that cellphone thing..

    Just because you have "technology" it doesn't always need to be running your life. Disconnect for a while and you will find driving a lot more enjoyable.
  • I have one suction cup mount on my dash and that is for my Tom Tom. My wife in the passenger seat holds everything else. (she's a control freek). :B I never get to hold the remote for the television either! :?
  • My dash camera is mounted in a bracket off the mirror, octopus IIRC? my garmin is mounted in a mount that clamps in the DVD player slot. don't like the circles that the suction cups leave on the windshield.
  • obviously, I am spending too much time sitting in front of the computer instead of in the drivers seat.
  • Put it all in a box under the seat, and just DRIVE the thing without all the distractions! No wonder so many people get killed every day by distracted drivers! All of the junk is nice, but just like a cell phone they are DISTRACTIONS, and seriously reduce your attention span while driving. Find out where you are, and where your are going BEFORE getting in the drivers seat, then just apply all your attention and senses to DRIVING! If a person cannot drive a vehicle on the road without all the devices,, then they should not be on the road endangering the lives of not only themselves, but the people and children in other vehicles also. This is not just a rant, but well documented and seen EVERY day on roads all over the US. The only things needed to drive safely are FIRST_ A DRIVERS FULL ATTENTION, then a steering wheel, brakes, and if you are lucky, a gas gauge and speedometer. Lots of us have driven millions of miles safely with nothing but a drivers full attention. And all of us have seen untold deaths due to lack of driver attention.
  • I'm with Gordon, you don't need all those things mounted on the dash. The less distractions there are, the better. Put the GPS up there, and the tire pressure monitor if needed. I put mine up there because it sometimes drops sensors if I don't. But I'd have it down near or on the floor hump if I could, because I rarely look at it. Phones and audio books can go in the console.

    Lessen your distractions while you're driving and everyone will thank you...perhaps even me. :)
  • To play audio books or music stored on our cell phones or tablets, we connect them to the dash radio via Bluetooth. No mounts needed. Like Gordon, we use a beanbag GPS mount in our toad, and our coach has plenty of room on the dash for the GPS and TPMS mounts.
  • Why do you "need" all these things "mounted"?

    I travel with two cell phones occasionally, but I don't need to play with them while driving, too much of a distraction.

    The GPS sits on the dashboard with a beanbag mount, and I use voice commands to control it. The cell phones go into various cubbies in the console.
  • People sometimes use sand bags to hold device mountings to the dash when they can't use the windshield.

    Some people make their own weighted bags at home using sand or pebbles or other heavy items.

    I have suction mounts for the window, but only need two, one for the accident camera in the middle of the window, which I rotate around to look out the back window when I'm towing, and the other one on the drivers left holds my android phone for GPS. So can't really help with your other devices as haven't had that problem with so many devices.

    As far as theft goes, the camera is easily removed from the mount and stored under the seat so it's out of sight and easily returned to the mount when driving. The phone always goes with me whenever I'm out of the car.

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