The problem with streaming movies over the web, or Television shows, is the bandwidth.. Most of the better video compression methods (If you want quality video) burn about a gig an hour.
I have seen some low-quality scemes at a quarter Gig and some very high higher (2 or more Gigs per hour)
So, if you are using park WI-Fi. you wont' be making friends, and if you are using your own cellular or satellite, you will quickly burn through your data alotment. Thus the best ways to view are this.
Rip a DVD or blue ray to hard drive and transfer to portable device
Record over the air (or cable or Sat) television with a DVR that can transfer to the portable device (My ReplayTVs do that, I have like 200 hours of movies stored on this comptuer can bel played on comp, tablet, android phone or streamed back to the Replays for viewing on the televisions).