az99 wrote:
My Roadtrek wrote:
az99 wrote:
$15 a month for the program guide? That is ridiculous when a Netflix subscription is $9.
If you ever have used a TIVO you would know it's much more than just a guide that you are paying for.
TIVO program guide.
If you think it is worth it that is great for you.
I think it is ridiculous to pay $15 a month for a guide of the OTA channels. That is 1/2 way to a basic cable subscription.
People on this post and others are trying to save money by cutting the cord. TIVO makes money selling you the hardware and keeps taking it out of your pocket forever if you want to use the hardware as designed.
I'm a multi millionaire through a good education, hard work, and good investments, so it does work for me. ;)
I love the TIVO but still like to save money, sorry you are so strapped for cash.