Reading the write up it looks like the antenna looks for digital signals, picks the strongest one and points to it.. NOT GOOD.
If towers are not all that tight (Where my sticks and bricks was I had towers to the west of me, (Well N.W.) and towers to the N.E. of me and towers to the E.N.E. of me and one to the south and one to the s.s.e and,, Well you get the idea)
There is a truly smart antenna out there,, With a very few TV's or digital converters you connect a modular phone cable or a crossover cable (the cables differ in the way the ends are attached) (do not know which) between receiver and antenna and they "Chat" Receiver says "give me the best signal on channel 41" and the antenna does it. You change channels, it says "Give me your best Chan 26" and the antenna electronically re-points.
Alas.. Dang thing only works with a very few Receivers, and it's a Short Range antenna, no where near powerful enough for most RVers.
That is the "Smart Antenna" I suspect linked to above.