ford truck guy wrote:
Jim ,
I couldn't agree more... I have been known to walk away from a store that has advertised hours and the ( younger ) employees feel that its more important to chat about their dates last night then it is to open on time..
Growing up I worked at an Exxon Gas station , when I filled on for the weekend gang that meant we opened at 6:00..
My routine had me there at 5:30...lights on first so people knew we were open,, than unlock the pumps (earlier if customers came in)..
That cant be found now a days.. and my wife just keeps telling me that I am getting old..
Know what you mean....At 12, (1962), I had a morning paper route...PIcked up 75 newspapers and delivered them in a couple neighborhoods...Got up anywhere from 4:40 to 5am, delivered papers 7 day's a week, rain, snow, freezing temps...didn't matter, I delivered those papers for 2 and 1/2 years..IF I missed someone, got a call and had to get a paper to them....(if during school), I just had to pay for the summer, it was on me. Collected for those papers every Friday, paid my bill and pocketed the extra cash:).
Yep, "Open at 8" means just that....but not at some places....a "piddly" complaint...but how many do you have to hear before something changes....There is a right way and a wrong way to do business and along with "work ethic" and "common sense"...yet another phrase that has gone by the way side is "customer satisfaction".... Such is life as we know it in the year 2015.......seems some just don't care.....(Bet if I was buying a 200,000 motor home, they'd been all over me...:).......though I was looking at some quite expensive TH's....but...