NC hauler nice rant. Glad to see a sort of happy ending.
Unfortunately the work world is changing. Corporate America has run amuck.
There is no loyalty to workers they are all disposable.
Consequently workers have less loyalty to their jobs. Too many decisions are based solely on bottom line profit.
Profits are more likely to be shared with shareholders than employees.
In the end the lack of respect , loyalty and dedication to employees has effected the work Ethic.
Apple are most prized Company does most of their manufacturing overseas.Why?
Not because Americans can't be trained to do the work but because it's more profitable..
Corporations hide profits in overseas accounts to avoid taxes. All of this serves to erode the working class and the work ethic.
When we were developing are work ethic times were different. Employers wanted employees to succeed. Now profit is the only motive. Everyone is disposable if the bean counters have you in there sites.
Was the late apologetic manager the only one capable of running the register.
Apparently so! Cross training people to multi task hurts profits. Scheduling only one person is efficient and profitable.
Will problems occur due to efficient bean counter mentality scheduling? Sure but fewer people will always be more profitable.
There will be an occasional early riser that will show up and the staff will not be in place. However that is the way the current marketplace works. A manager may wear all the hats for the 1st hour or so.
The poor attitude of the workers is a direct result of the poor wages paid.
If you want quality people pay quality wages. GIve employees an incentive to succeed other than wages that fall below the poverty line
Work ethic has gone down the tube and is a by product of corporate greed and poor ethics.
The only question is which came first the chicken or the egg! Or shall I say the greed or the ethics