valhalla360 wrote:
See if she can double check the company license, since she is in IT. I can get the full professional version for $9 thru work...MS throws it in when the company buys MS Office.
Not exactly.
MS DOES have a "Home Use Program" or HUP which IF your place of business is using ENTERPRISE VERSIONS AND PAYING FOR ENTERPRISE LEVELS OF SUPPORT of MS products, so you MIGHT be eligible for this program and your company may not even know that this program exists.
Cost is currently $15 for digital download of Office Professional Plus 2019 or Office Home and Business 2019 and it IS NOT A SUBSCRIPTION (IE you never pay a monthly fee).
You do have the option of also USB flash drive for an additional charge, I would highly recommend paying for the USB flash drive. Gives you a backup method to reinstall if needed..
It DOES however have a few caveats, it IS supposed to be legal to use as long as your company is paying for ENTERPRISE LEVEL SUPPORT AND YOU ARE STILL WORKING AT THE COMPANY.
Granted, I suspect it will most likely still work even if you left the company but that is something you would have to consider once you left the company..
You can go to the MS HUP PROGRAM WEBSITE
HERE, enter your COMPANY EMAIL ADDRESS and it will tell you if you are eligible for the HUP Program.
I got Office 2016 that way from my company and it works fine.
I have also used Open OFFICE, it generally works well, but it is a bit dated as far as the GUI so if you are used to Office 2011 or newer you will find Open office looks a lot more like Office 2000 or older and might take some time to figure things out if you never worked with older MS Office.