I switched long ago to laserjet printers for everything. That includes a 20 year old HP 4si that is still going strong, a HP color laserjet Pro 200, and a Canon 4500 all in one that scans, copies, and prints.
With inkjets the head clog without frequent use of the printer and the ink is very expensive. With a laserjet it can sit for months with no problems.
The only place where an inket is of any value is with a color photograph and for that I upload to Costco someplace where we are headed and in 30 minutes it will be available to pick up. Costco is much cheaper than printing with an inkjet printer and you get a much more durable print with the equipment they use.
I tried 3 different all in one machines before settling on the Canon. It works very well and it starts up fast and shuts down equally fast when it is done. Has an automatic feeder for scanning multiple pages and we use this feature to turn a paper manual into a single PDF file so we can leave the paper manuals at home.