wa8yxm wrote:
Dish TV... I had that. I also had Direct, if you MUST have "Premimum" services those are your choices when RVing. Get an RV plan.
Direc can still sell "Distant Network Service" so you get ABC,NBC and all the TLAs (three letter Acronyms) no matter where you go with the possible exception of PBS.
Dish you have to call and change your service location every time you move.
To set the record straight for John (wa8yxm) and anyone else that's interested, Dish very much does offer a nationwide "Distant Network Service", although it only provides the big-4 LA locals currently. We still prefer to use the Dish customer service chat system to get the locals where we happen to be though. Takes all of 5 minutes. Dish also has an RV "Pay As You Go" plan that's perfect for part time RV'ers since you can start and stop the service pretty much at will with no penalties.