Sabluka wrote:
I ordered the new Garmin RV 760 but am having 2nd thghts.
Reason is the Rand McNally GPS DOES have the inpout for backup camera but it also has the Good Sam camp sites built in.
Anyone got ideas or comments or used either?
I've used GPSs since they came out for fishing Cook Inlet but not on the road.
I've got Garmins and TomTom - love the Garmins, have little good things to say about TomTom. Have never used Rand McNally. As a fellow RVer/pilot says, Garmin is used in aircraft, others aren't, so they must be good. Garmin has always gotten me there, TomTom has lead me on wild goose chases.
You can download Point of Interest (POIs) into Garmins (and other GPS systems). A good source for RVers is the Discovery Owners web page:
Discover Owners POIsYou can also make your own POI files. There are free tools, Goggle Earth, or just a plain old text editor if you have the Lats and Longs.
KCHS '67 (Had to add that for the reference to Cook Inlet)