I'm thinking maybe the easiest & best solution is just use Verizon's aircard as it seems to have the best coverage, my cell phone for the areas the aircard doesn't cover and my laptop with it's WiFi card when I can. $60 a month for the unlimited minutes(National Enhanced Service) aircard is okay with me. Can anybody tell me if I need to be knowledgable about the kind of phone I get or just let the Verizon rep guide me? I know I will need the Mobile Office too, right?
Also, can anybody tell me what kind of speed they get with the Verizon aircard vs. the cell phone? Do you still have to try & find a CG with WiFi/modem or are you okay just with this setup?
Once I get this internet access solved I will be so relieved as I have been so confused.
Thanks for any replies.
PS We hit the road for 9 months to a year on Aug. 6th. So excited!