Bill.Satellite Sorry to bug you again. Bought the G2+ Carryout and Modulator and A/B Switch. Went out to MH to day thinking I could finally get at least a start on this project.
The coach does not have the standard Winegard signal booster amplifier--it has a a King Jack Power Injector which hoes not have the typical 12 volt receptical on the face as Winegard but does have the push button to send 12 volt to the antenna. Pulled it out of wall and it has 3 coax connectors and of course the 2 12V wires. The connectors are positioned differently than the Winegard. It has 2 coax cables connected: one to the antenna and one to the outdoor Cable connection. Nothing hooked to the 3rd connector. The coax hooked to the front of the face plate goes back in the wall and hooks to a 3 way splitter. The 3 coaxes leaving the splitter I suppose goes to Main TV, BR TV and basement hookup for outdoor TV.
Looked it up on internet and it says "it is not an amplifier and no devices other than those shown below should be connected" which just shows the back of the plate with Cable In TV, King Jack and TV 2 Out along with 12V wires.
Will this thing work with the procedure you have explained to me? Or do I just need to start all over and and forget about trying to accomplish the goal I tried to explain in the earlier post? Once again---Thanks so much for all the time you have spent helping me.