Bit of an IT guy here with a bit of working knowledge around printers!
First question, do you need pictures in the spur of the moment? If yes than what I say makes no sense for you!
Use a service that prints the picture for you. Pick one of the 30 high end online print shops or one of the 1000 low end ones that will print your pics and mail them to you or let you pick up at a local shop. Way cheaper than owning a high end printer and paying for the ink!
For documents invest in an app called turboscan, cost $3 When I bought it. This lets you take a picture of anything, frame it with ease so only framing in what you want regardless of your picture taking skills and pdf's it for you. Email it to yourself or anyone's else.
This is what I have been doing for the last 3 years and will add in my job I get ink for free!