Gjac wrote:
Sounds like what people are saying is that these apps work as good as the actual GPS's and are about the same size screen, from a large cell phone to an Ipad size. They are always up to date for a cost of $9, which is cheaper than a GPS. The only 2 possible downsides that I see is that sometimes you don't get cell phone service in some places and the second is what happens if you get a phone call do you lose you GPS?
With Copilot you don't need any service - voice or data - on your phone as you download the maps directly onto the phone's memory and you always have it - data or not. As to getting a call - the phone rings, you answer the call, and then go back to the app where it starts at whatever point on the route you are currently at. If the GPS receiver circuit on your phone is on, it stays on unless you shut it off.
The only time that you need a data connection with Copilot if for traffic reports and routing around traffic. If you have cell data, the traffic uses very little of your data. I tested this on two trips and less than 3 mb of data was used for the traffic connection on a four hour trip. The only time you will likely need traffic reports is on an interstate and these are usually well covered by all of the carriers for service.