amandasgramma wrote:
We have tried two Dish portable sats. The white cube was good but you could only watch one tv. The big gray one we could watch two tvs HOWEVER, they had to be both on the same satellite. grrrrrr. And it took forever for it to search when you changed channels....yes, even 1 minute is forever to me. We also had trouble with it dropping the satellite. Every morning we had to do a search for the HD matter where we were parked, or what state we were in.
We finally went back to the original dish on a pedestal. We can hook up 3 tvs to it. We have had very little trouble finding the sats with it. Any problem finding the sats were minor compared to the trouble with the other two. And it was less than $100!!!!
never mind question removed as I realized you were not referring to the new Winegard PA-6002 Pathway X2 Satellite TV Antenna