For my travels, I have marks on my tripod. Once I get the middle post in the tripod level, and then the mark pointed with my compass to North, I just put the dish on the pole, align the marks (which are on the dish and pole also), and I'm within a degree or two. It works pretty good, at least from Central Indiana to Iowa to Southern Indiana.
I use one of the Radio Shack detectors. I'm finally figuring it out to make it work easier too. The secrete is to set up the sensitivity where it just "almost" begins to scream. Then when I hit the signal, it screams!
The problem with DISH and watching the TV screen, it takes several seconds up to a minute or more for the receiver to recognize the signal from the dish. So that means moving the dish a speck at a time, waiting for the signal to catch up and show on screen. And if the dish is really way off, it's almost impossible to find.
So, having the tick-marks brings it in close, and the screaching satalite finder brings the signal in pretty fast, much faster than what I see on the television.
If your cheap-o one is working, why change? Just experiment with it a while. That's what I had to do. It still takes a little time, but hey ... we're camping ... we should never be in a hurry anyway! Right?!