Mobile satellite internet was my business for about 10 years. I got out of the business due to the fact that cellular was 100's of times faster and at least 1/2 as expensive. The Hughes service is still available but not the new Gen4 service so you have to go with the older 7000 service (type of modem). Upload speeds are around 100K (no, that's not a misprint) and download speeds around 1000-1500K (1-1.5MB). The service will not work with a VPN as you seem to indicate you need.
iDirect does have service that will work with a VPN but the hardware is quite expensive and the service is pretty pricey. Additionally, you are going to have to assemble and point this hardware (which has a very large antenna) each time you move and then have somewhere to disassemble and store it when you travel.
If you can arrange your travel so that you will be in a service area where cellular is available you will be miles and many dollars ahead. Verizon has the best Nationwide service without argument but if you plan to only travel to a few specific locations you need to research what service works best in that area.
An excellent resource for information related to satellite internet is . The Datastorm was a fully auto-pointed satellite internet system which still exists but just barely these days. However, the forum has expanded to offer information about many different satellite internet options and most any question you have can be answered by experts in the field.