Not sure if Dishnet is even satellite or not.
Hughes net has several plans. And two entirely different systems
For RV use the Hughes 7000 If you get a good Sat assigned you can, once trained, access from dang near anywhere. BUT the lag time is bad (Pings typically over 1/2 second) and speeds at best mid range DSL Of course you can pay more and get faster speeds. but you can't improve the ping times, no good for competitive gaming.
Next Gen. I'm not sure about but suspect it is like Excede Since the sats are in LOW Earth Orbit instead of Geo-Sync the ping is less and again, if you pay enough you can get some SERIOUS bandwidth.
Google; HAM NATION When Bob Heil is at home in the Ozarks he uses Excede, he has an incoming video stream (At least one, likely 2 or 3) and an outgoing stream. He also answers E-mails. NOTE he is not always in the show and not always at home.. But you can go back a ways and find him. Or you can go to the 2016 Dayton Hamvention episodes. Exceed set him up a semi-portable at the Arena. NOTE The hardware is the old . Arrg forgot the name) Service dish sold.. Wild Blue that's it Wild Blue.
NOT suitable for RV use due to LEO sats.