I used to do this all time with my off-road popup until Natl Broadcast Digital TV cAME out with their full blown high def TV signals...
Just bring along your SAT TV RECEIVER, some RG cable, a portable SAT TV DISH. Will need a 120VAC power source...
If you bring along a portable dish with two ports on it you can have a second TV setup going and each TV can watch different channels..
I would also bring along one of those SAT TV FINDERS to find the SAT in the southern skies...
I use one of these...

One caution with my setup at any rate is sometimes when I unplugged the SAT RECEIVER it would lose it settings and then I would have to call DIRECTV to have them to turn this receiver back on. You can do this on-line as well... You will need to have your DIRECTV account number however. I always taped all of that info on the receiver...
Roy Ken