--To the OP: As said, trees and/or weather will determine whether you get satellite reception. You can buy a longer cord for your dish and hopefully move away from trees, but you can't avoid the weather. Even a small rainstorm can temporarily ruin your reception. That's camping! You'll get your TV back after the storm passes.
--Regarding Pay as You Go (PAYG), I have a lot of (frustrating) experience dealing with Dish CS on this issue. I've always gotten them to comply, but it's always been difficult.
If your monthly service date is the 15th, for example, you can simply not pay your bill for the next month (manual pay ONLY), and your service and your fees will stop as of the 15th. If you restart your service one week later, on the 22nd, you will be billed for the entire month from the fifteenth, as if you had never stopped your service. You must stop for more than one entire billing cycle (30+ days) in order to get a new service restart date.
You can also stop your service on ANY day of the month and get a credit for unused days. Dish CS will fight you on this, but comply in the end. You must call CS and tell them you want to stop immediately. They will try to convince you to wait out your billing period and just not pay your bill. But if you're not going to watch TV why pay for it? When you go to restart you service you will get the remaining credit applied to your first month's service.
When you call Dish to stop your service they will try to sell you a "suspend" service that costs like five bucks a month even though you don't get any TV. You DO get to be their friend, although once you get to know Dish you'll never want to e their friend. Don't pay the fee! Just stop your service and restart it when you want.