Gdetrailer wrote:
Your "Dish" should already get local CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS stations, those are typically located below Dish channels 100.
To recieve your local OTA channel directly, you do not need the Dish system, plug in a antenna DIRECTLY to your TV sets ANTENNA/CABLE coax input.
Once you have the antenna connected, change TV from your Dish input (HDMI, Component or Composite and select Antenna/OTA/Cable from your TVs menu.
Once you on the antenna/cable input you need to do a channel scan.
Once scan has completed you now can watch your local OTA channels.
Yes, it means you must switch between inputs and yes, you will not have DVR capability but you now get all of the local channels plus the sub channels and it didn't cost anything other than the antenna..
Note: The OP stated it's for his S&B home (not an RV).
As "BB TEX" also stated.......
An OTA antenna connected directly to your TV is easy!
DISH now with locals - but when I had DirecTV - didn't happen often, but during heavy rain (etc.) the sat signal would pixilate. Switch over to OTA for locals worked fine, no interruption of the signal/s.
I used a (IMO - "Clear Stream") outdoor antenna (about $60 at Costco) mounted on the eve of the house (about 15 ft high) facing the direction of my locals - which are at least 50 miles away.
Antenna looks like a single plastic "figure 8" on a BBQ grill (LOL) - about 18" square.
Receives ALL - with great HD picture.
*If* DISH has any probs - it's still ready to do its thing!...:C